Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Can't resist answering this post

I found the following post on an AOL 'News' board supposedly on Iraq war:

But don't you see, Erik? It wasn't Bush's recession. Or Clintons'. Or Reagans even, it was the work of the supposably 'smartest guys in the room' that ran roughshod over our financial institutions for decades. A house of cards that just happened to come down when it did. It was the world's greatest Ponzi scheme and the perpetrator walked off with billions. Legally! And throwing good money after bad is just going to sink us deeper and deeper. Its' going to be horrible.

My answer to this and other things she wrote that were similar and/or anti-Obama:

I am absolutely fascinated that ANYONE could imagine that Bernie Madoff is responsible for the horrible crash of our once great country. He just managed to steal all the money he could from a bunch of loyal and appreciative fellow Jews who thought they were getting a 12% return on their money. Small part of the larger market, I'd say.

The REST of the ruin of the country is certainly not anything to do with Barack Obama, who is trying desperately to rebuild a country that was DELIBERATELY RUINED by the bush gang and all their friends in PNAC. Go take a look at the PNAC directives, and you will see what their plans were. They were formed during the Clinton administration to 'get' Bill Clinton and turn the country back over to the repoops. They carefully chose a patsy with a name and a family they knew they could get big funding from and with, those rotten bush people. cheney, wolfy, rummy, kristol and all the rest (you'll find their names on their papers in PNAC, if you have the wits to read all that junk--I doubt that, I know bamma can't understand any of it). The idea, as you can see if you do manage to read their stuff, was to RUIN the country, all the while making sure that laws went through to get most of the money in the U.S. into the hands of the top 2% of the money people here. You know the kind of more taxes for the top money people...that sort of cute little idea, plus all the rest of the stuff snuck in during the bush gang's admin. As that rotten administration walked out of the White House and into that helicopter -- a lot more rotten than Nixon, too -- they laughed as they left the new administration with the worst mess we have ever had in our country.

Surely you don't think that the mess was 'made' suddenly during the first few days of the Obama administration. SURELY you cannot be that stupid (although DOLwhatever seems to be...his English and spelling are not those of anyone with an education -- about the same as bamma's) -- how long has Obama been in office? MOST of what is going on in Washington was done LONG before Obama came into the picture.,,.it was carefully planned primarily by cheney, kristol and wolfowitz even before they had chosen their patsy, bush, to run in that illegal election (well the finish was illegal). First and second.....thank god most people won't use those lovely touch- screen machines in elections anymore.

So, stop being so stupid and READ a bit more about what is going on in Washington and you will see that the present administration is trying as hard as they possibly can to rebuild a country that the bush gang deliberately RUINED for fun and profit. If you think it was a fun admin, more the pity for you, as you are not (I KNOW) one of the 2% who now have their filthy hands on 90% of all the money in this country. It is their fault, and that of the bush gang that the stock market is going crazy and the country is in the toilet. Let's hope that Obama and his INTELLIGENT FRIENDS can get us back on track or you too will be out on the street begging for scraps from the tables of the super wealthy.

And this is from a descendant of one of the Founding Fathers who has never had a moment of being poor and discriminated against -- but who, like the Roosevelts, has a love of her country and its people and wants to see everyone happy, healthy and well fed. Thank god Obama came along when he did, or we would certainly have fallen and become that third world nation. Now shut up and get out there and volunteer -- and let's get this country back on track again. I'm old, but I'm still volunteering.....and working like mad to help others.

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