Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Gina & The Documentary Film

Now, let me see.....how DID I get into this? A simple phone call, left a message and complicated my life once more. But what a fun time. Gina, a tiny 'kid' (well, anyone under around 55 is a kid to me, Gina), invited me to work on a digital film she was making on sex and the older person. Well, I am tired of younger people (there are some on the radio next to me at work) talking about what we do or don't do. One of the things we 'don't do' is have anything to do with sex. Yeah, note that all the people who advertise Viagra look like they are around 50. Well, it ain't so kids....your mother is just as capable of having (and/or desiring to have) sex, as is your weak old father (although he may have to have some Viagra, Cielas or whatever they call it. Probably won't admit it, though.

Gina couldn't think of a name for her film. How about "Only MEN need Viagra!" or "Birds Do It, Bees Do It, Even Over Sixty-threes Do it!" or "Fun Things to do After Menopause" or "Oh, Yeah, You'd Be Surprised What Mother Does." Too long? How about, "MOTHER!! DAD!!"

So, a nice slim girl picked me and my bag of props and wardrobe up to go to a huge warehouse that houses film studios, bakers of cookies, exercise studios and all sorts of strange businesses. If I were a journalist, I think I'd be out there intrviewing all those people...fascinating. I met the whole film crew...all very young and knowledgeable. All the things I had done when very young came back to me -- the Pittsburgh Playhouse where I built scenery and had terrible stage fright; the cable company in Oak Park, where I had to have two people put the huge camera up on my shoulder; the 'character model' job Gus insisted I do at BB/L for the "Bob & Carol, Ted & Zelda Watch Radio" campaign (I was Zelda and 'Carol' did my hair by taking her two hands to my head and messing it up as much as possible--Gus wouldn't let me get a haircut until it was all over). Back to yesterday: I addressed the camera as Gina asked me questions about my sexuality then we went to the studio's bathroom (have to write about that...bathrooms??), where I did the makeup bit and put on the red wool hat from Peru that Whit bought me....and finally I sat and watched them take some shots of photos of me from baby until now, and the big one with K. Gina fed us dinner while they discussed the next film and I made the long trek out to her car, to arrive home some time after 8pm. Long, but fun day.....back to acting, but no throwing up this time. I may finally have grown up.

All that talking, all that acting and all that walking did me in. My left foot (the one whose upper- foot tendon I tore in half jumping out of bed to answer the phone) gave out and was so sore that I simply drank a cup of coffee and went back to bed to read all the magazines that came last week (the catalogs simply were thrown in the bag that Elvira carried out to the big blue can--it's bigger than she is) to be recycled into yet more catalogs. I find that my faves in the magazine world these days are "Fast Company" and "Forbes".....rather odd choices for an old woman. Oh, I still enjoy "Poets & Writers" and try to get through "Newsweek" every week also, which I did first today. It was full of mostly BOOKS this week. I am fascinated with the new Newsweek....not really much of a news magazine anymore.....and a lot less trashy gossip....just a bit of hard news, then a theme like the present one of books. I loved reading it. Now Forbes had a great article of various people talking about their 'best advice.' I loved Nora Ephron's little snips like "Never put tomatoes in the refrigerator, Don't learn how to iron or someone will make you do it (I didn't...or even how to make a bed), Never run for a bus, Marry a man who was unhappily married to his first wife for 17 years"......she can be very funny. They also have a box giving what advice will cost you from various people like lawyers and psychics. I learned a lot by spending the day in bed and putting the foot up above my heart. Thank god for my gem, Elvira! Now the foot, having had to be placed down on the floor, is objecting again, so I shall go to bed and hope it is better tomorrow. I have to go to the bank, so it had better be.

And a quick congratulations to Al Franken......FINALLY a Senator from Minnesota! I wish him well -- NOT an easy job, Al.

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