I just noticed that I have 3 followers. I wonder who they are. No one ever writes a comment after any of my writings... I don't think my children or grandchildren have ever taken a minute to look at my blog... and I doubt that any of my friends have, as most of them are dead. Which is, apparently, what I should be by now. I obviously should be, everyone who ever knew me is either gone (dead usually) or completely uninterested in anything I have to say. I cannot get old Kirkie to even read my emails, let alone answer them. I MUST get my podcast going, but now I haven't heard from Larry for several days, so I wonder if he is going to read with me. I have been careful as hell about spending any money at all and I think I have enough to buy mikes and earphones, a new computer, plus whatever else we need. Most of the podcast people say you can start for almost nothing, but I might just as well buy good mikes to start with. Also, I have decided to go to a podcast MeetUp group on March 23... long wait, but hope I get some good info. I am bound and determined to put this podcast on the internet... the letters are good and it should be done... and should be fun... wow, I'm a poet! Well, I may be depressed and I may be through with life... but I don't think I have lost my sense of humour... or my penchant for writing English English.
I am tired... I am tired of just getting up... I am tired of watching my beautiful country go down the tubes... I am tired of stupid people... I am tired of hurting all the time... I am tired of new allergies all the time... I am tired of my nose running because of the allergies... I am tired of just staying up... I'm going to bed. (And I can't even put my writing in Comic Sans anymore, as they won't LET ME!!!) Forgot... I'm tired of having to learn a whole bunch of new Mac stuff... and I'm tired of having no one to teach me... after all the hundreds of people I taught how to use computers... even on the rotten old PCs I had to teach on.
Do these silly notes have dates on them....... I am also tired of things I seem to be forgetting... many.....
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