Monday, March 9, 2015

Just What I Might Have Written to K.

Funny, I felt like 'Monday' today. One of those I-don't-want-to-get-up-and-go-to-work type days, and I don't have to get up and go to work... but Ana came and I had to go and find one of the microwave with covers dishes and explain to her that you have to wash the OUTSIDE of the dish before you put it away. Mindfulness is not her thing. She belongs to the 'hurry-up-and-get-the-work-done' and sit down and look at a magazine school of workers, or 'slap-dash-types' as Jessie would have said. I'm working on her, though... and she MAY learn... or may not. I still feel like Monday and I'm not getting anything done. Gee, I used to love Mondays, as I got a letter every Monday at noon. Old loves are all gone now though.

Ms. Katt gave me an amusing early afternoon. As I sat having my coffee and brunch, she sat in the right corner of the window, on top of the telephone books and enjoyed the green view outside. There is always something going on for her to see. She sits like a statue of an Egyptian cat with only the head snapping from one scene to another. We had a tiny hummingbird tap on the window yesterday... he's a constant visitor to the flowering bush next to the window. Then she can gaze at the butterflies that love the calla lillies and Aaron's roses, and since the Princess bush has pretty much died she can see all of the people and cars going by. That cute little head just turned constantly as birds flew in and out and butterflies fluttered back and forth... until she had a bit too much sun. Sylvia is just like her mother, cannot stand too much sun, so she jumped down and curled up in the shade for a nap. Now she came to sit next to me to say that she is unhappy with the new old lady food we are trying out (failure) and CLEAN the litter box!!

She can wait for Jovita tomorrow! I have to send my darling granddaughter a small check to spend when she is in NYC. My sweet little Bella, all of 11 years old, has won a dance competition for jazz and lyrical with her dance group and will be going to New York. She gets to see two Broadway shows and have a dance lesson with the Rockettes after touring Radio City. She is so good and works so hard at her dancing... always has. I can remember Bella watching her sister and doing all the steps better than the 'big girls' when she was only three years old and not 'old enough' to take the class. They finally let her come and dance with them the next year, in spite of the fact that they didn't take children until they were five. Her sister turned to more interesting things for her, but Bella stayed, she has always been a dancer, so it is only natural that she has won the trip to NYC. I hope that someday she goes to Julliard. So I congratulate Isabella Victoria Saperston -- never stop dancing my beautiful little star.

I wonder how long I am going to have to NOT SEE my favorite programs on PBS... they were doing the money bit all last week... and they are still doing the damned musicals stuff on 9-2, so it looks like I shut off my TV as soon as the News Hour is over. I am not happy with the news... it shows the present younger generation acting like their grand or great-grandparents in their terrible bigotry. I'm sick of john boner and his idiocy... I'm sick of Netanyahu and his disrespect of Obama... I am horrified at the stupid Sigma Alpha Epsilon boys (also younger gen) acting like they did back in the 1950s. I'm tired of fighting, I just want to see people being peaceful -- where is the new John Lennon to write another "Imagine" or why aren't the kids picking up on it and acting as he said. We need desperately to get rid of the old white republicans in Congress and get some real thinking, bright, understanding younger people in their seats. Not more like them... no Ryans, who never had a real job, or boner, who should be back sweeping old his father's saloon, or McCain, who has passed himself off as a hero all these years, when he was nothing but a guy who wrecked a lot of planes and wound up in a prison camp... that doesn't make you a hero. Weed them OUT. Yesterday was two anniversaries... that of the march in Selma, Alabama, a town that is  broken and crushed now... a sad thing, and showing again the stupidity and lack of education in this country. But it was also that for Women's Day... again the need for world-wide education for women as well as men. For the equality issue, the equal pay issues still not fair... and the world-wide need for even fair treatment of women.. ye gods... there are still stupid little boys saying terrible things about women. The Google page was full of the most childish and silly comments by males... unbelievable.

I still say we need to go to the POD system of education, where children learn with their peers in each class. Readers go to class with other children who read at their rate, not because they are the same age; math class must be for children who are at the same place in their learning... every class must be with children of any AGE, but at the same rate of learning for that particular subject. I don't care if a kid is any age from 4 to 10, if s/he is reading at 3rd grade level, s/he belongs in the 3rd grade level class... and no child should be told what level their class is... they are just with peers, that is it! Until the schools are run like this, we will always have bullies and kids being pushed back or ahead because of a failure to understand where they really belong. Mark was at his best when all he knew was that he was, "In Mrs. Wedeman's Family Group" if anyone asked what grade he was in. He was in three or four different 'grades,' depending on the class.

Another wasted day... but, as I watch how other states stretch and often fail to take care of older people, I am so happy that I moved to California when I did and worked constantly after retiring as a volunteer at several senior centers... so that I am in a comfortable place and well taken care of by Ana, Jovita and Altesha, which reminds me... have to go and look up some of my recipies for the big cook-out on Friday when Altesha comes... she's the great cook and we plan my meals for the next week so she can help me by taking over and cooking them for me.

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