After a long day of reading ALMOST ALL the columnists, both Democratic and republican (well David Brooks agrees with me, Mark Shields is too busy getting married to write of it), and their feelings on the cave-in by Boehner and the rest of the republican party big-wigs, I am shocked and awed that this could happen. What are they thinking? Where are their heads? Are they joining the DoogieBushGang in ignorance? Are they afraid of these ignorant kooks who have very little education (I don’t care if they went to Harvard, they obviously didn’t LISTEN), and less sense. I am further shocked to see that so many of them consider themselves “middle class.” They had better scrape the scales off their eyes and SEE that there is NO middle class anymore. I know, I used to be one of the upper middle class and I am now one of y’all... 90% of the people of the United States are THE POOR. Only the RICH should vote republican... and that’s the 2% who OWN ALL THE MONEY IN THE COUNTRY. Look it up people... it’s all there in Google. They will tell you exactly how POOR and STUPID you are if you vote with the 2%... you’re just handing them your taxes, plus a lot more. So here’s what I wrote in answer to all the nuts arguing about guns, healthcare and money in the New York Times:
What’s the matter with the ‘tea party’ or ‘conservatives’ or any weird non-thinkers, that keeps them unaware that most people in this world live happily and peacefully in countries that have universal health care and laws that forbid ordinary citizens from having any guns. I can’t understand why the poor (that’s 90% of our citizens) are so easily swayed by the 2% with all the money, and constantly vote to make the 2%’s will be done (make sure they keep getting more money) and let gun manufacturers, heads of insurance companies and other corporate heads rule the country.
Go to the Constitution and RE-READ the Second Amendment. It doesn’t say that every nut should have an Army gun and carry it around all the time. It says that we should have a militia with guns (kept at HQ), so we will be protected from intruders or some crazy who thinks he/she can attack others. Police and members of the National Guard (militia in the old days) are the only ones who should have guns - not for personal use, only when on duty. Period.
As long as ‘poor’ people keep allowing guns made to kill a maximum number of people to be bought at gun shows by crazies or relatives of same, you can easily figure out how many children will be killed in the next year. We need to close the gun shows, stop the manufacturers from selling war weapons in this country and impose extremely strict penalties on anyone with weapons excepta one-load-at-a-time weapon, (hunting rifle). I include the wealthy 2% in that, even the Wal-family, John Boehner, Paul Ryan, Ted Cruz and that brilliant speechmaker, Ashton Kutcher.
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