Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Get Rid of Professional Politicians

I don't suppose many people will see this, as I don't suppose many people read or even see this blog, but I shall write it anyway. Now that Boehner has finally decided to stop saying he hasn't had a conversation with the president, shut up and stopped listening to the moronic part of his 'party' (the so called 'tea party' group), I just want to weigh in with my feelings. Actually, my only feelings on this are that hopefully, everyone with any brains will vote against ANYONE who has ever supported Boehner, the 'tea party' or anyone in the far right wing of the republican party. Remember, oh ye who have lived through this... who they are! Now and forever, AMEN.

After having to look at the smarmy, shiny faces of Ted Cruz (does he grease it up before he spouts his trash?) and Michelle Bachman for the last couple of days, I am almost ready to drag myself out of the house and run for office. I am not happy with ANYONE in Washington, D.C., and I personally, feel we need to clean Congress out of the building they NEVER seem to have time to go and work in. We have a Congress that is a non-working body... at least for us. They are all working for themselves, palling with the lobbyists and billionaires to make sure that they will keep getting money to keep their miserable jobs until they are able to retire on full pay with free health benefits, and a job waiting as another lobbyist, so they can stay and play in Washington... the party capital of the world. Am I disillusioned with our government and its people......

 I think you might possibly... or certainly, say that I am.

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