Friday, August 7, 2009

Forget goodnight.....

I got carried, yes, carried away.... Love that song, and now I am awake with my right foot throbbing away, so I read something I had dumped on my desktop to use in writing, and it made me angry enough -- again -- to stay up awhile and write about it.

But first -- I do not understand the people in this country who think we should keep on breeding and having More and MORE children. I have long been in favor of the Zero Population Growth people who say, "Have ONE child for each, then knock it off." I don't care how many times people tell me that we have a huge country and room enough for millions more....IT IS NOT TRUE. We are already short of water for everyone and there are children STARVING in YOUR country...that's MY country, too, and I don't like to see children starve!!! Nor adults doing the same. I get really sick of people saying, "Well, it's OK for people like the Kennedys to have lots of children, they can afford them." NO, No, No, they simply are taking the food out of the mouths of the children who do not have their money to get it. I used up all of my money getting my first knee replaced even waiting in pain until my Medicare kicked in -- (well, not all of my ex managed to trot most of that off to Aruba and gamble it away) AND, has anyone really looked at how easy it would be to pay for decent health care, IF we didn't have to PAY BIG BUCKS FOR SALARIES AND NONSENSE to the INSURANCE COMPANY EXECUTIVES, and pay for all those big buildings they love to put their names on??? Look at this -- I didn't MAKE these figures up (as people like Baucus does -- after all, he has to get a few bucks from the Insurance Companies doesn't he) (he should have been recused from serving on that committee, as he HAS interests in health care firms)...they have to 'support' all those adorable Senators and Congressmen/women, so they will listen to THEIR SIDE (BIG BUCKS side). These figures came from the U.S. Census Bureau...look them up yourselves.

Population, U.S. 304,059.784 -- July, 2008 (oh, god, how many since??)

Population over 18, including over 65 = 217,800,000

Now look at it this way. If everyone in the U.S. over 18 paid $25.00 a month for health care (and that is surely a helluva lot LESS than any of us, including seniors, pay) the government would have $5,445,000.000.00 each MONTH, or $65,340,000,000.00 by the end of each year. THAT'S SIXTY-FIVE and a HALF TRILLION DOLLARS, people. I think that might be a good start toward a better health care system, don't you? Even those greedy, rotten doctors who are only in it for the money might want to get into that system, instead of being a high priced 'special entity' -- right?

Now let me tell you, the Canadians send their government $47.00 a month for their ‘free health care,’ which I might add, I have found is a lot better than what most people get in this country and pay a LOT more for.

(My prime example of the horrors of the ins. co. systems in this country is my daughter, who paid in to ‘the best health insurance in the country’ until she had breast cancer. Then had to go back to work a couple of weeks after the operations (two, as the stupid doctor left a bit in) because she couldn’t take the time off with NO pay, and she had to pay $30,000. as ‘her share’ of the cost of operations and the chemo and radiation they insisted she have. She WORKED to pay for this WHILE SHE WAS STILL having chemo and radiation. What a GREAT HEALTH CARE SYSTEM(S) we have in this country!!!)

And don't tell me to go back where I came from, some of you charming family came to this country (and BUILT IT FOR YOU) in 1635.

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