Monday, February 1, 2016

What a Day... hooray, I'm online & HORRORS the 'second coming' won in Iowa!!

And... it is my dear little (big) grandchild Max's third birthday... that's one for great celebration. He is definitely Mr. Cute, an adorable child I will never get to know... but then, I didn't get to know any of them, did I? The only grandchild I ever felt really close to was my dear little Bella, who is a lot like me, in sort of miniature, the 'middle child' syndrome?. They all do have the Cartwright face, though, although in Max it is the least.

So... first... Allie came over last night and presented me with ""... my podcast, all done and online with my letter from L.Megan Carringtown, explaining what was coming and why it is called what it is, and introducing the hero and heroine of the great love story that started at the change of the century and will go on for around 8 years. I may have to do a blog along with this opening one, as there may be things to explain... or who knows what will happen..... I am pleased. Now there will be much less work... except for the reading of the letters... I'm up to number 44,  I think, so there will be a lot to read. I do hope that Larry is up for it... he is a dear to do it. And darling Allie is wonderful to do all the work on the website.

Perhaps I will start doing some artwork to go on the website. No... I think I must get to work and do some artwork and do a website for me, and perhaps stat reading my poetry and drawing stuff to do with it. I do wish I had a musician friend to write some stuff to be played with the poetry. What the hell am I doing... I'm not going to live long enough for all this. I have to go and see Colin and get all other simple day-to-day things done. Too much to think about... far too much.

Then... after having a lovely day thinking of all the nice things hat had happened, and all the nice people who had helped me...I had a call from Larry... a lovely person I was planning to call to tell him to get to a computer and listen to himself reading Kirkie's letters, when he gave the the horrible news: That moronic 'second coming' Cuban Canadian ted cruz won in Iowa! God... the end of our country if the dreadful stupid evangelical idiots manage to get the vote out and the GOP runs him for president. The end of the word is upon us... Jesus has been reborn as the most hated man in Congress. Yep, his father says he is going to fix the states first... then he will go on to fix the world. Sca-a-a-a-a-ary!!!
Oh, ye gods... WHAT A DAY!  I do wish Kirk was here... or even Jackie... I need a hug.

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