Monday, December 10, 2012

Why Is My Blog Here If I Don't Write???

I should be ashamed of myself. Left this so long I couldn't remember how to find my writing page, or whatever this is called. Time flies by and I neglect everything, but the older one gets, the faster it goes and I find now I have too much to do and not enough time in which to do it. 

But what is this blog for? Why do I have it? How do I find the time to write in (on?) it?
Well, I'm a writer, so I must have something to say. Ah, but this spot does not seem to have been, nor will probably never be for much of anything of any import, either to me or to anyone else, but merely musings when I consider something I like or dislike and have time to write it out. Much of the time a little boring even to me as I reread it. As I read other's blogs, I find I am not alone... about half the blogs I have seen (and forgive me any who read this, I don't read that many) are like mine and just stuff that might be interesting to relatives, while the ambitious ones are full of things of interest to the general public, like the wonderful ones written by knitters who want to give lots of info to other knitters. I love those. I haven't written a knitting pattern in over 40 years, so I am useless to them... too bad. l used to write patterns for 'Woman's Day' and a couple of other magazines that are gone now. I don't even have them, as in a fit of cleaning my apartment out, my daughter threw out all the old magazines, including the ones with my work in them. Ah, well, as I often say... that's the way the cookie crumbles. Now I shall go have another cookie and chat with a friend who just arrived at my door.

More later....... who knows?

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