So, I keep trying... one more year has gone by. Nothing on earth like having a birthday on a tragic day for the whole country. Do they sing happy songs on your b/d, so they say cheerful things... no, I get mainly, "Oh, poor you... oh, I'm so sorry... is it really your birthday, etc., etc." And I can't even find Comic whatever to type this in, and the purple isn't even as nice as the old purple and the b/d is over, and I forgot to write something, so here I am now, not doing very well... and it is already the 14th. At least THIS isn't a bad day... although of late all the days are kinda bad for our poor country. The TeaBaggers are going to be the death of all of us. Where on earth did they come from. I had no idea that his sad, beaten country had so many other stupid people like dubya. But then, I am so old that I remember when we learned something in school. For example: I, unlike Sarah Palin, learned about Paul Revere -- not that "he galloped through town warning the British, shooting off his guns and ringing his bell." I learned about him warning AGAINST the British... and that they were the enemy at the time of the revolutionary war, something Sarah probably never heard of. Or that, as Michele Bachman opined, the 'Founding Fathers' freed the slaves... that Thomas Jefferson, he was a great man and he freed the slaves. Sure Michele, whatever you say, yeah, he freed the slaves. What has happened to the educational system here? Wish he had freed that.
When I took the Mensa test in Chicago back in the early sixties, the top 2% of people in this country had an IQ of 145 or higher; sadly, by the time I got out here and was working with SeniorNet, one of the men online informed me he was a member of Mensa, as he had an IQ of 138. That's a quick slip in the intelligence level of a country, and disturbs me immensely. Of course one could never imagine that either of the two 'girls' above as even vaguely intelligent. Both of them sound and act like someone who didn't do well in school, and one wonders if it is all talk that they actually went to college or university. Then, even more sadly, I watch Jay Leno and his "Jay Walking" segments, done not just 'on the street' but many of the segments done at colleges and universities in California. The people he asks questions of rarely can identify pictures of our Presidents or Vice Presidents, or answer simple questions one might ask of a child in grade school. We seem to be raising a whole generation of dolts and idiots, to join the previous generation (that of Palin and Bachman) of dolts and idiots... all of whom paid no attention in school.
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