Monday, May 21, 2018

Alas & Alack

And what does Alack mean? And why do I have to type in this dreadful typewriter type in pale grey? And man do I do a lousy job of proof reading... the last post is FULL of mistakes and I can't remember how to get the old stuff back so I can correct it. Ah, me, alas and Alack, oh goodness me, and a few more ancient expressions...I do not write in this place, nor in any of the other places I 'should' be writing, like my 'diary' or even the letters I used to turn out to everyone... I owe many, but do not write them. Ever since I lost Kirk as a constant 'companion' corespondent, I don't seem to have the time to write to everyone else. So strange. Of course, my fingers hurt now (lack of exercise?) and they have become quite bent and arthritic... amazing that they are just now getting bad... and my left shoulder is trying to 'fix' a displacement that I apparently ignored when it happened. Now they can't just 'put it back' as the damned bone spurs are a mess there, working on building up, so I have a bump on the shoulder and the docs at UC/SF (who all look like teenagers) tell me that the only way to fix it is to have another replacement. Silly children... at my age I wouldn't get the use of the shoulder back by the time I'm 100, so why bother. Just like Jessie, I have learned to live with pain. No way do I go under again... no hospitals... no new doctors (mine are all retired) everything in me now goes to the oven with me (I do hope they sift out the metal before handing my ashes over to the kids). I am upset about one thing that the arthritic fingers have done... I cannot seem to write anything with a 'y' in it without hitting the "i" just before it. I think I have corrected all the ones in this, but I miss some and it annoys hell out of me. It used to be the 'l' that I hit all the time because of my weak ring fingers, but now it is the i, And to think I did so much proofreading on the job. I suppose it might be as this miserable type us such a rotten one and so light. I far prefer Arial which is readable and good looking (well, I kinda prefer Comic Sans, but they don't use it here on this blog site, which is sad. Amazing but t rump is still president... when will it all end? What idiots we have in Washington. I pray (even though I don't believe in it) that the whole House of Representatives (well all that are left as many resign) is simply voted out in the next election... all of them. Actually Senate too... let them all try to get real jobs... and make the new ones take tests to see if they can read and write and understand what they are there to do. Help, help, I do not think we have anyone who even wants to run for president except the moron who is there now.

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