Sunday, August 16, 2015

More Tears... Another Hero Gone

A sad today today, just before 60 Minutes I heard that yet another of my great heros, Julian Bond, died today, far too soon. He was only 75. It is almost like the horror of being a parent and having one's child die before her to see so many of my heros go, leaving their sad old mother here, knowing, since she is a firm atheist, that she will never see them again. So Julian leaves, leaving me here wishing I had had the chance to meet him, that gorgeous, soft-spoken man who worked so hard at trying to make his country a better place for all of us. A kinder, sweeter and quieter person than most of the hard-driving people who fought for racial freedom in the south, one did not see him as often as the others, but I listened to his every word and watched for him at any rally. I brush away the tears that threaten to fall on my keyboard and can only say:  Goodbye dear Julian Bond, I love you and I shall miss you enormously. May you long be remembered as one of our country's greatest men.

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