Tuesday, October 23, 2018

More Political Stuff

I just read an interesting article that mentioned something I had been thinking about. It was on the use of ties by men. A study was done recently in Germany. Healthy young men underwent three MRI scans, wearing ties. First with a loosely tied Windsor knot, next scan they tightened the knot very tight, then a third with tie and collar loosened again. The researchers found that the tight ties reduced blood flow about 7.5%, and cut off blood flow to the brain. Take a look at all the men in Congress, especially the old ones… now you know why nothing much gets done, particularly much good by them. They don’t even wear Windsor knots… just very tight ones. I had always wondered how those old guys could stand those tight ties, not even realizing that the majority were cutting off the blood to their brains, but at last now I know why we need more women in Congress… they don’t wear anything tight around their neck and can actually think while there. My own experience with the men of the House of Representatives proved to me that men are afraid of women. I was in Washington, at a computer to demonstrate the work that we volunteers in SeniorNet were doing with the people these men were representing. It was a typical nasty, hot, sticky day of the sort that makes me hate Washington. A young man stopped to watch us get people from their districts, who could communicate with them through their computers. This was ages ago, so they weren’t as cognizant of the way this worked. The guy who stopped seemed interested, so I jumped up, realizing I had someone from his district, and said, “Here, sit down and talk to one of your constituents,” to which he replied with a “No, no, I have to go,” No way was I going to let him, so I clapped a hand on his damp wool back and said, “Oh, lord, it’s so hot in here, take off your jacket and sit down,” in a very forceful voice. He looked a bit rattled, but did as I said and started reading, as I said, “Now it’s your turn, type an answer. Poor thing, his shirt was soaked in sweat, but he typed, and got an answer telling him what a failure he had been on something or other. I let him escape, grabbing his jacket, he got it on, thanked me politely and ran. I do hope that the next batch in the House are more evenly divided amongst men and women, and have more sense than the present. Well, at least we are shed of Paul Ryan, who never worked at a real job except a stint at McDonald’s while in college. And less lawyers, please. How about people who know what real jobs are and will listen to constituents, work hard, then go back to their real jobs, having served their time. No permanent politicians… you serves your time and you get out. Things change constantly, and so should Congress. Bring us brains, and no tight ties to cut off those brains. Listen to the people you represent and try to do what they want. If you like politics, maybe try for a bigger job, but don’t just hang around so you can make more money as a lobbyist… we need to get rid of them. They are the scum of the earth. Please, please, go back to your real job and let a new batch try governing, learning, helping and leaving. That’s my next slogan for Congress: Run…Listen…Learn…Labor Leave. And More, while I finally have this ready to go on my blog, which I kept being told was not mine. Don't ask how I got here... I don't know. I am looking for a surrogate grandchild or someone who can come and tell me what to do next. Those lovely "Ah, hello Miss Cat-a-rate, I am Scott and I wanted to tell you I am from Microsoft and we have discovered you have something bad with your com-pu-tare and we wanted to help you get rid of it... etc., etc." all done in a very Indian accent. No sucker I, I simply say, "Oh, Sanjay, I know, if I only push the right button when you tell me, you will wreck my com-pu-tare and I will have to kill you..." and hang up (this of course is done in an accent to match 'Scott's.' Of course when they drag me out of the kitchen or bathroom, I tend to be a little angrier and say, "Damn you, you idiot, I was trying to cook my dinner... I wouldn't have any Microsoft junk on my computer... it is a MACINTOSH and in great shape... BANG goes the phone on its base... of course they do the same thing the next night... WHY do I answer???????/ So here's the next political note: Does anyone think maybe Dumbo t rump contacted his dictator friends in Central America and TOLD them to start sending gangs of people from their countries so he could start screaming that the Democrats were sending them North to burst through the Army or whoever/whatever he is planning to louse up the election this time, take your jobs and kill your family... He is so like my sister that I can almost read his mind. She used to hit me, then turn around and run to whoever was in charge of us, screaming, "Help, help, Peggy hit me and she is running after me to hit me again, help, help!" Donny, the fifth grader, who s never going to make it to the sixth grade has already been screaming and yelling about the mob ha undoubtedly planned and will be calling off the election so we can all go and make a wall to keep the 'criminals' out. It woould be funny if it didn't show that our school system has failed us, and we are livig in a country half full of people with no education, no workable skills, run by a madman who has become the object of laughter and derision wordwide, yet is actually believed by the morons in his gang of imbeciles. Yes, he, the consummate coward now praises one of his idiots for slamming a reporter onto the floor, gesturing as though he had done it himself. As though that coward could even try. So, for god's sake (or Zeus's or Gaia's sake) please just go quietly out to the polling place, stand in line if necessary, and VOTE. Hopefully the t rump t rash won't, as they probably think that good ol' dummy donny has everything sewn up. We'd better un-sew or I shall have to get a passport (I stupidly let mine lapse), buy a ticket to Den Hague and beg for asylum in the lovely Netherlands. Also, I am a bit upset with the man who bought TIME... I am not renewing next year, they are a bit too chummy about dopey donny... my money will go to the Guardian and the NYTimes. And to end, as I may never find my dear, un-read blog again, here's poem for the fat ugly one: Would/Wouldn’t How easy to say         that’s not what I said          I said…            or even    I didn’t      say that             I meant… or what      I meant                      was…        Do you know          I don’t do you know anything                 I doubt it there in that tiny         twisted       mouth so full of lies                     to a point where from the first     yuge       shouted yell to the         mean         slimy worded   tiny O explaining what    You may      have meant           we may never           know if you know        anything good           anything useful     anything fine            anything  anything                anything real and true When               do the people of this country When        when will we           test candidates             at least                  on        the Constitution      the states          how many          where they are the world                       names of continents           everything the other fifth grade minds should know or even     perhaps       the difference between should  and                                shouldn’t Peggy Cartwright, July, 2018