Wednesday, May 31, 2017


I just wrote crying that our poor country is suffering from half the country becoming under-educated idiots. Now I happily read an article on PBS Newshour online about Buckhannon, West Va (known as trump country), where women are revolting (no, not revolting looking... really revolting).

When I think of how many times I marched, talked my head off, wrote about people like Nixon, about bush, cheney and that gang, and how I wondered if it was worth one more march, one more talk, one more getting out there... now I see a woman saying, “It’s like we were all sleeping. Now I think we’re awake.” (Edwina Howard-Jack) Well, I hope so -- where the hell were they when I was pushing Whitney in her stroller in a march, when I was in anti-war marches, protests in Washington, women’s rights marches, and on and on in the ‘50s and ‘60s and ‘70s etc., etc., etc.? Do they know that now, because of trump their children are not being taught well? That if they don’t watch out, Betsy de Voss could make sure that your kids are the ones with inferior teachers and schools, and will therefore definitely not be ready for the new jobs in the new world. I hope they are talking about the inferior people trump has put into his cabinet to ruin our government (helped by his buddy Steve Bannon who admits he has long had plans to wreck the federal government).

I still feel for the intelligence of the ordinary people of this country. I wonder about people who can’t even spell Buchannon (the regular spelling of that old Celtic name). Or, about people who could actually listen to trump and not believe the old joke with a new name at its core: “How do you know if he is lying? Answer: His lips are moving.” I am amazed that anyone could watch this man for more than a few minutes and not just be suspicious of anything he says... but KNOW that he will say anything to get people to applaud him. He scares hell out of me, as he is not only a practiced liar, but also a mean, nasty person, and has shown it so often, from screaming to his audience to beat up and throw out anyone who disagreed with him in his early campaign speeches, to having a woman with a crying baby tossed out also, to the highly nasty speeches made on the just finished European ‘tour.’ That tour, by the way, showed his lack of diplomacy and knowledge well. He praised and chummed up with the Saudis, who raised most of the terrorists who have caused the worst strikes against all of us, had no notion about the Holocaust in Israel (or much of anything else... he is vastly uneducated in History)... pushed aside a head of state to get into the front row of a photo being taken, and generally insulted everyone there. Good for Macron for passing him by to hug Angela Merkle! Too bad he didn’t need to shove trump aside.

One need not even mention that the idiot in chief thinks climate change is something made up and so appointed an EPA chief who agrees on that completely. The European leaders, who rightfully believe the scientists reports, are all commenting on the ignorance of the U.S. government in this matter.

And so, we lose more and more in governmental leadership, but, thank Zeus our women are beginning to wake up, get to work, and fight back against the ignorance of the trumpian idiots. Perhaps intelligence will win... I fear I doubt it after all the pain and marching I’ve been though, but I suppose one CAN hope...

Sunday, May 28, 2017

No Readers, But I Stll Write

Where Have We Come From... Where Are We Going...

I live in the United States, miss-called “America,” which is actually the whole two continents, but has, of course, been grabbed by the people who live here, as they have no idea there is any place this “isn’t OURS.”

Are we becoming a land occupied by only morons, the vaguely mentally ill, people who know nothing of the world or other’s affairs, and I might simply add, about half of the people one runs into almost daily are just completely crazy. Having just watched the news, I know all this to be true.

The top story was the return of our “Idiot-in-Chief” D.Drumpf, returning from meeting with top leaders of the world. While there he made a fool of himself by missing completely the reason to pray at the wall, as he has no idea of what happened during the holocaust. Then he moved on to insulting just about everyone he could, so that most of them avoided him as much as possible, and finally, pushed aside a ‘useless to him’ leader of a small country so that he could be in the front of a photo. He has just ruined all the good vibes we got by sending Obama over there and made the world understand that he is truly an idiot. They were just ‘wondering’ after reading his ‘tweets.’

After that, some world news would have been good... I’d like to know what is going on (but I must wait for the actual world news from PBS, later). So, instead we get big, long, plenty-of-video of a man driving in that auto race SO POPULAR among the idiots of ‘America,’ almost killing himself. Whoopee, just what I want to see. Then another great story for the masses: the USUAL ‘guy killing himself preforming in a lovely Memorial Day fun show for the masses’ -- well, at least it wasn’t in a plane, as so often. This time it was a poor kid who was jumping out of one of the Air Force planes.

Lovely... now on the news, a story of ‘Iron Mountain’... probably where dumpf’s grandfather started his career in mining. It is such a disgusting story that I could cry, but what good would that do? A typical story of big business and greed and the whole ruining of our country. Big mining company dug so many tunnels in this mountain that it is a mass of mines with water running through and turning the mountain into streams of  bad metal running into the rivers and streams of half of California. The company is now working on doing something about it, but in 2030 their work becomes the taxpayers of the U.S.’s work... yet, we pay for the cleanup, but it will take until 3520 to do that... or shall we say NEVER.

So what have we become as a nation. Hell, I hate to think... my ancestors worked hard to build a good, great nation. My generation and the present one worked/works hard to ruin it. Greed, lack of education, too many people, bad, bloated government, lack of care of the poor, terrible variance of pay for work. all these have turned our country into a wonderful place for the super-wealthy to show their greed, and a dreadful, fearsome country for the poor, the uneducated and the real ‘workers’ who do not know whether they will manage, for they have not been taught well, and are very tired of day-to-day life. How many people say they hate their jobs? How many people work long hours for less pay than their parents? And then they all watch the over-paid idiots like the men who drive too fast and wind up killing themselves on some racetrack, or know how to toss a basketball into a net and often wind up in court for rape, or just inherited a lot of land or money from a parent and cheat and lie and go bankrupt numerous times and wind up as head of a government that cannot control them. Do you then wonder why our kids don’t care to learn... after all the uneducated morons are the ones who ‘make it.’

I am, thank goodness, near death. I don’t want to know what happens to my children and grandchildren. I don’t want to know what happens to our useless government. I don’t want to see the small-minded idiots whose parents have cheated and lied and ruined others by some nefarious plans take over completely and wreck our once beautiful country. I loved traveling in Europe and having people tell me they admired my country. Now I am sure they would not, for we have become the laughing stock of the world and I’m tired of seeing the daily ruin of some part of our lives. Maybe the guys planning the trip to Mars will take me along to be the first dead person to be launched into space, having died in their spaceship. Let’s see? what can I do for them... ah, I can write a daily poem to be sent back from space. That’s about the way the mind of an “American” works these days.

Peggy Cartwright, 5/28/17