One would think that with all the wonderful things one can learn from computers (after all, you don't even have to spell correctly anymore, the computer does it for you), that the American (and I fear, even the English) public should have some little idea of when to use "I" or "me" in their writing or in conversation. But NO... I sit and listen to the TV, shouting, "It's ME, damn you, ME not "I." When the hell will you learn?" only to open a magazine and see "She gave it to my husband and I."JEEZE... would you say "She gave it to I" -- of course not!
My dear mother, Jessie, loved the English language and taught me to love it too... but she and I both loathe the stupidity of people who think "I" sounds more elegant than "me" and tend to drop that poor old "I" into every sentence they can. It grates on my ear... it is so ignorant. Jessie had a simple solution for the person wishing to use "I" and "me" correctly. Before you open your mouth and make the mistake, say the sentence WITHOUT the other person in it, as: "They gave the picture to (my ....... and) I." You are never going to say "They gave it to I," now are you? Doesn't that hurt your ear? Well it does mine... therefore your long sentence with the wrong word hurts mine. It is "They gave the picture to my husband and ME."
Now we will get to "I"... starting with a somple sentence: "The guys and me and me went to the concert." Do the same trick here. You would never say (at least I hope not), "Me went to the concert." Just think the sentence in your head without the other people, and you will know which to use. It is so easy to say the right word, why, why do so many people get it wrong? I wish a few more English teachers had Jessie's ability to teach the little tips and tricks that can keep our language beautiful and correct.
Well, with Betsy de Vos running the schools, no one will ever learn this, as I am pretty sure she is one of the idiots in love with using "I"... a really trumpian thing when you come to think of it. That man uses "I" more than anyone has is a long time. "I am bigger.... I am better... I am smarter... I know... I know... I know"...... hey Spicer, he's caught in the goove again, so give him a quick kick where it hurts and maybe he'll quit.