Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Messed up once more...

I often wonder if anyone else has as many mess-ups as I when it comes to adding things to my blog. I hope I can fix the last video, as I loved it and would like to continue to play it.

At least I have managed to add Ms.Katt to the blog. She who after all owns not only this apartment with an extra large window looking out over Dolores, and everything in it, but also we acolytes who come and go from it. She is one of the smartest animals I have ever known, and has trained me in keeping her food and water bowls filled at all times, and her litter box cleaned out at all times... all by simply coming and announcing her wants during the day, and by jumping on me every hour of the night if I haven't done my duties before going to bed. She has taught me how to play 'fetch'... something I hadn't done since my dog Minnie was young... and how to put up with a remarkably long, heavy, warm, furry animal lying from my hip to shoulder all night long, snoring in my ear. But who would I have to talk to without Sylvia... or play games with... or eat dinner with... or laugh at when she is acting silly and leaping from chair back to chair back, then up to the middle of the window to run up and down... or to give me a kiss anytime I ask for one... or love unconditionally on my part... maybe a bit conditionally on hers. Sylvia, a Bengal, is only a few generations from a wild cat... and she came to me... whom my daughter terms: "A Wild and Wacky Woman" on the doormat she bought for me... so we go together Sylvia and I, and I am very glad that she chose me when she was a little kitten... as her brothers all scampered off, she climbed on my shoulder and purred in my ear....
it was immediate love!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Yes, I Guess It Does!

I do hope I have done this right... for someone who has been working on Macs since 1984, one would think I could manage things like putting videos on this... I did it once, let's hope I got it:

Guess not, so for a fun one, go to this address, down to the bottom of the blog, and play the video that is there... I absolutely love it, for the Cole Porter song, and for the great snips of movies...

Thank you so much Handmade Guru... one of these days, this blog is going to spill over to my craft experiences and perhaps patterns, ancient (and I have many of those) and modern.