Wednesday, April 22, 2009

LOST really lost.....

I was a big fan of LOST on ABC-TV since the beginning. But now I am furious with them. For the last couple of weeks they have been advertising an "All NEW episode of LOST on Earth Day, April 22! Yipee! At last. After watching show after show full of patches of new once in awhile, but a lot of stuff I'd seen over and over...finally, a new show. So what was it.....simply a COMPLETE RE-RUN of old stuff I had seen at least once and some more than once. If they have no writers or no new ideas, perhaps they should simply ask the listeners/watchers for some ideas. Or HIRE NEW WRITERS! I am considering giving up completely.....if I could find the island, I'd just blow it up. Who cares -- hey, maybe that's what they will do on their last show this year, coming soon. But I suppose we will have to watch a complete recap first, so I may just miss it entirely.

No sense trying to tell ABC-TV about my feelings. They have a cute little line that says 'contact us' but when you hit it, it tells you to go to, which then goes back to ABC-TV 'contact us.' I have never been taken around in so many circles as I have at ABCTV.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Is Everyone My Age Dead?

I was listening to Terry Gross a couple of days ago, and she was talking to and about Margaret Whiting...and I wondered if she is alive still. She and her manager used to come into my restaurant in Old Town, Chicago and drink coffee and eat ice cream.. I did make great ice cream things.... I had New York style hot fudge, so I got all the New Yorkers....dark, dark chocolate. The midwestern people like milk chocolate...yuck! Everyone also loved my chocolate-mint wonder I am a rather large person now....dark chocolate and mint ice cream....ummmmm. Have another of those 'Bliss' chocolates....don't mind if I do. No wonder Margaret W. loved singing "Too Marvelous For Words"....anyone can sing it....even
I can sing it...and I can't sing. Never could sing poor Whitney to sleep.....she used to say, "Don't sing mummy....please don't sing, it hurts my ears." And I know the words to every song from WWI to, I wasn't around during WWI, but Aunt Nellie and Uncle George had an old wind-up Victrola with dozens of records and I played them over and over all the time I was visiting there. Used to go up to the 'ballroom' on the top floor and slide around the lovely smooth wood floor.

All the rest of them.....all gone.....Langston Hughes, who put up with all the questions from a silly little girl; Ned Travis, who didn't, but wound up my friend later; Max Showalter who hung out at our house when he was in "My Sister Eileen"...and the adorable Greek kid who was one of the 'Brazilian Navy;' all the artists (whose names I have to search in dusty corners of my mind to remember....who encouraged me to keep drawing and painting...after all, I presented a lovely drawing of a penguin to Admiral Byrd when I was five; Gladys Schmitt, who encouraged me in my writing, while I typed "David the King" for her; all the crazy people from the Pittsburgh Playhouse...strike parties with Gene and Fred Kelly teaching us dance steps...Mr. Burleigh barking out orders and me throwing up before going on......and they are all gone now, leaving me alone, like the last person alive...even Barry and Jan gone, both a year younger than I.

Well, I guess that's what happens when you get dropped. even if it's not on your head....all the people from your past go marching by saying, 'Well, what did you yourself into it didn't you.....nobody's fault but your own..........' am I'd be too..... Ah, well...........

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Neglecting again...

Here it is April...that overdone month...April in Paris....Oh to be in England, now that April's there ...and on and on. But I shall never forget getting on the BOAC plane at Ohare in the snow and slush and looking down as we went into Gatwick at the green everywhere on April 1...then gazing out as we took the tube into the City at all the green lawns and gardens before we rushed into the tunnel. London even smelled like Spring that year, and was so beautiful to see again that I cried...but then, I'm one of those weepers...sad, happy, whenever. Sometimes I'm not even sure.....

Ah, and I at last beginning to find and join websites that might help me in my writing...that are in some way related at least. I joined Twitter, although I have no reason why and my only 'followers' are people who are selling something or themselves (as in Tony Robbins and other similar types). I did find Mark Bittman at the website...I LOVE that man. I am going to make crackers ....he taught me how. He cooks like I do...combining all sorts of things he has in the fridge....well, maybe he doesn't and just puts his there, but that is what I do. I just pulled a piece of frozen salmon out of my freezer, opened up the aluminium, added a sliced up small onion, some herbs scronged from neighbor's gardens, a bit of soy sauce, some Maggie sauce and some wine, wrapped it back up and put in the oven, while on the stove I was cooking some fresh noodles and carrot slices given to me yesterday. Put them both into a big wide, flattish bowl, so the sauce blended into the noodles and congratulated me on the great meal, just as Mark Bittman does. As my old nursemaid Mary Phykos used to say: "Mine gott, how I can cook!" We old types in this building are so lucky, we are constantly given all sorts of food.

Well, to get back to the topic....I found another great blogging area that seems to be for creative people. I was led there by a dear little girl who is a new knitter and making sox has her knitting feverishly. I am on the writing site WEbook, but a couple of days ago I found another interesting writing site...eScribe. There is not enough time in the day now, as I am looking madlly at the knitting sites, beading sites, writing sites.....and on and on, and no time to actually DO anything. ...and I really must make something for the grandchildren, who are going to have birthdays very soon.....all three of them. I shall have to work very hard and get something done. I promised Bella that I would make her a beautiful purple sweater, and I MUST do it. Then I have to make something for the other two, or they will be upset with me.

Of course, I am also in sort of a state of depression, as my guy has disappeared once again, without a word, of course. I realize that he is going through hell....lost job, lost savings that were in his 401k,,,,lost house, as court must have been on the big lawyer's side...but he should know that I don't care if he is penniless...I love him, not his STUFF! I guess guys never realize that.

I also found a free place to look for new friends (mine are dying off or disappearing fast) that is called 'plentyoffish' I put a bio in for fun. Actually, I have been trying for YEARS to find a writing partner.....or even someone who could write and perform music for my poetry....or one who could illustrate my books.....which is really something I should be doing for myself, but I am getting so lazy....and writing all alone is often such a chore. I shouldn't say that, as I sometimes feel that someone is writing through me, as it comes out so fast and furiously when I sit down and start to write. I've had no trouble writing the 3-day novels for Labour Day....although I am no good at throwing in f**k you....or other lovely phrases every page or two. I seem to be able to write a whole novel without swearing at all.....I guess that is boring to the younger generation, but I don't really write for them.....hell, I write for me. There....a swear word in my blog!

And with that I shall end this one, and perhaps get down to work for a change. Ah, well...........